Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Microcultural Context

Micro cultures are subsets of broader cultures. 

Microcultures MUST possess or some physical or cultural state that distinguishes them from others.  Groups are distinguished by race, religious practice, ethnicity,  language, etc. 

A second characteristic is that membership in a microcultural group is usually not voluntary.  You do not choose your race, gender, or ethnicity.  Usually, although it is possible, we do not choose our religion. 

Usually members of a microculture marry within their group.  This practice is called endogamy. 

Members of microcultures know their subordinate status to the broader culture.  they are aware that they are apart from the dominant cultural group.  Because they are less powerful, some groups become cohesive.  Often they prefer to remain in the same neighborhoods and socialize among themselves. 

Often, members of microcultures are subject to discrimination or unequal treatment from the dominant group.

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